Interview to Greether’s Founder dad:
Why do you encourage your daughter to travel?
A: I feel happy to inherit my daughters the passion for travel. I am excited to see them exploring new towns, cities and beaches around the world and Mexico. I love when they share their stories and experiences with us through their photos, videos and anecdotes.
*Spanish: Me siento feliz de haberles heredado el gusto por viajar. Me emociona al verlas conociendo pueblos, ciudades playas de México y del mundo entero y más cuando comparten sus experiencias con nosotros a través de fotos, videos y sobre todo sus relatos y anécdotas.
What is your concern for your daughter when she visits a new place?
A: I am concerned about how unsafe some cities are, the way that tourism agencies such as airlines, taxi drivers can take advantage of young women. Thankfully not everyone is bad, my daughters have consistently had great experiences with strangers that became friends and that is so valuable.
*Spanish:Mi principal preocupación es la inseguridad que existe en muchas ciudades, el abuso de algunas líneas aéreas o taxistas, que al verlas solas pueden aprovecharse de eso. Por fortuna, no toda la gente es mala, mis hijas han tenido gratas experiencias con mucha gente y eso es lo valioso del viajar.
Would he feel more comfortable if she had a friend or someone trustworthy wherever she went?
A: Yes, it would be great that everywhere they go they have someone who support them, specially if that person is a local and understands the lifestyle there. It can also be very helpful to give you tips on where to eat, where to stay, what to miss and what not to miss.
*Spanish: Si, seria genial que en cada lugar que viaje haya alguien con quien apoyarse, principalmente si esa persona es originaria de ahi y sabe cómo se maneja la vida del sitio, además que puede servir de mucha ayuda para saber dónde comer, dónde hospedarse, a que lugares si ir y a cuáles no.
-Vanessa & Paola’s dad